
آخر التعليقات

الخميس، 4 ديسمبر 2014

culture art

ART knows no borders or barriers, he who builds bridges between nations and dissolves cultural diversity in one pot to create a universal language, the language of art.

Art in all its forms and all trends is a global identity is in the cosmic human civilization.

It has influenced the history of thought and a lot of art for the various peoples of the earth stick together, and added one another much richer experience and developed the human imagination and means of innovation and creativity, there are different views about the value of art. Some hosted on that kind of sense of self and a sense.

The more likely it is due to a combination of both, Art is giving a clearer vision and perfect things. Here in the graphic arts department always emphasize on those scientific and artistic values. Vonam science and art if they met in one pot.

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