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الجمعة، 19 ديسمبر 2014

The art of drawing destruction part2

........The art of drawing destruction

It's an effort to decode the mysteries of reality and alphanumeric details invisible to make it visible details stimulate sensations and feelings of the viewer to read the truth beauty of reality invisible details. Express ((Tristan Koribeir)) about it, saying: "What should we draw the Anrah will never see it." Painter-artist must be slender sense, has two eyes as the eyes Falcon captures the beauty details lightning speed and feel it, sense of reflected in his innovative work. The painter Aism his hand, but his spirit and his pen, which represents a spirit of sensors that skip his feelings and emotions. The brush is not a tool for coloring, but a sensor to reverse the frequencies they hit the Spirit Inspired frequencies Spirit sensitive to the details of beauty, because it derives its provisions in coloring from the worlds of cosmic beauty embodied in fact invisible. Says ((Ruskin)) "that the spirit of evil Atkdr to understand the beauty and perfection, a living soul, pure and noble is only able to understand them because they are like-minded." The spirit of the painter-artist spirit patient for creating an innovative new object, utter and simulates the public intellectual who is fluent decoding and gas painting that gives the artist a part of his soul to share her happiness. The advantage of the art of painting sports precision and high taste and patience which to build a limitless creative creature parts harmonically beautiful reflects aspects of beauty and perfection in it, to exercise its role in life with peers from other creative objects. See ((Hermann Hesse)) that "the art of painting something really amazing, because it gives the artist happiness and patience." The HE artist industry creative creature disclosed for interesting questions and technical puzzles that holds the viewer to him and forced him to engage in dialogue and technical commentary beauty details, happiness can not be understood by non-artists perceived the process of psychological and sensory labor that haunt the painter-artist when making every part of the creative creature and then spirit infuses it to be speaking and articulating aesthetic details. Thought ((Beethoven)) "to Ivsah artist delighted artistic work, he hides it inside." Painter-artist captures the feelings and beauty in painting and poetry poem expresses all the sensory dimensions, colors, each color the tone-sensory musical and all giving me the line represents a sea of hair seas. The art of drawing the most difficult types of art because it is a silent expression of gross things, and to shed light on the dark corners in fact continuous search to reveal details invisible attributing the days and years and events curtain

The art of drawing destruction part1

The art of drawing destruction

The art of drawing is not a depiction of reality, but a reflection of him and the area does not represent the painting world figure, but its dimensions are scattered in the colors, fonts, and an area of deception and whiteness that hide fraught with the spotlight on the shape to highlight its features and read the details and features submerged in a sea of whiteness itself. The art of drawing is not a copy of his mission actually be identical to the original, but its mission to stimulate the viewer and explore its culture to create links with the painting and bonds of fact, Valray vary depending on the level of the culture of the beholder and angles reflect the vision of a new form. And painter rejoices when multiple visions and reading of the details of his innovative work and refuses to disclose the secrets of the goals of his innovative work, because his career as a painter puzzles to win a multi-industry solutions offered by the public. Thought ((Sula Jess)) "that the art of drawing is not a direct reflection of reality, because reality is reflected in the culture of the beholder." Though the art of photography direct reflection of reality, the art of painting reflection indirectly him, Vmsaah basis to highlight the hidden dimensions of reality that are invisible to the viewer. Painter has focused on the depth of sadness in the face or the dimensions of happiness or the effects of time necrophorus the area or face the phenomenon is inherent in the areas of the body beauty.  NEXT1

الخميس، 11 ديسمبر 2014

Perspective isométrique

Perspective isométrique

La perspective isométrique est une méthode de représentation en perspective dans laquelle les trois directions de l'espace sont représentées avec la même importance, d'où le terme.
C'est un cas particulier de perspective axonométrique.


La perspective isométrique correspond à une vue selon la droite de vecteur directeur (1, 1, 1) dans ce repère. Ainsi, un cube dont les arêtes suivent les axes du repère se voit selon sa grande diagonale, comme un hexagone.
En géométrie analytique, on définit un repère orthonormé.
Les axes se projettent donc sur un plan perpendiculaire à cette grande diagonale. Les longueurs subissent une réduction (la projection est une isométrie, le facteur de réduction est le même pour toutes les longueurs sur un axe donné).
C'est une perspective qui est facile à exécuter dans le cas de formes simples. C'est une approximation de la vue « réelle », qui est satisfaisante tant que la profondeur reste faible : en particulier elle ne prend pas en compte la réduction apparente de taille avec l'éloignement.
Elle est très utilisée pour la représentation normalisée des tuyauteries ; on ne représente que l'axe des tuyaux sans s'intéresser à l'échelle. Les tuyauteurs utilisent un document, la « trame iso », avec un quadrillage reprenant les directions des axes.

Infographie tridimensionnelle

Infographie tridimensionnelle

La synthèse d'image tridimensionnelles souvent abrégée 3D (3D pour trois dimensions : x,y,z, les trois axes qui constituent le repère orthonormé de la géométrie dans l'espace) est un ensemble de techniques notamment issues de la CAO qui permet la représentation d'objets en perspective sur un moniteur d'ordinateur. Elle est actuellement très utilisée en art numérique dans l'industrie du film, initiée par les studios Pixar et ILM et, depuis 1992, dans beaucoup de jeux vidéo. Il convient de ne pas faire la confusion avec les termes 3D relatifs au relief ou à la stéréoscopie.

الثلاثاء، 9 ديسمبر 2014

How do we learn drawing (How drawing)

How drawing

Many people love the graphics and paintings and wish if they have this talent to sober able to create beautiful paintings, but the talent in the field of painting is not enough that a person is a just talent must be well fit with what the passionate person this area and tends to him it is good at with the help of Aftrth (talent), which is created by God and then by learning some basic techniques and rules that increase the experience and raise the level of artistic technique, so let there be two respects their development and work on their development, namely:

1. innate side
An aspect that is different from person to person and be the varying capacity, but there are three divine capabilities should be available for the person to be able to drawing a
- Note the smallest small details in a short time
- Powerful memory to retain what little detail that these qualities are available in person, he has the ability to do the drawing, expression and creativity through

- Translation of what touring Boukhatrh of fantasies and Tsourat- This is the third, but the ability to translate and transform images and ideas in his mind must be working on developing this translation developed a second side of the basics to learn how to draw a

2. practical side (Applied) Acquired

It is through knowledge of drawing and application tools and practice, it helps in mastering drawing larger Trivqrah for books and magazines specialized in this subject and see the paintings of painters Mshahurien and it enriches the artistic sense in a more self

Identify the drawing tools from (pencils, colors, cardboard) to make you a painter Maher and finally to continue the process of drawing several Skchat practice and training Hand maximum possible That improves hand the ability of localized translation of images and fantasies and the person becomes more experienced in terms of proportions and details gives in the end plate integrated elements.
There are many graphic ways that I found both for health reasons in the painter or the door of difference and distinction you total, when you see someone paints be painted using his hands and brushing and color either what you may be seeing is someone who paints using his leg and hand, or even the tongue and eyelids What a ordered amazing what more you see these roads when people with special needs, she believes in them the challenge and the determination and perseverance, which you do not see at many of the people who do not lack anything and more arts practiced in this way is the Fine Arts, and with this art is art no matter which way or method remains used the badminton and colors and graphic cartons.

How do we learn drawing


Drawing is a way to express emotions that human faces and emotions, ie it is a personal expression of the experience of mind.
The painter is the same one who can express the mental expression
As for the method of drawing: it is we can go our own way to the drawing Fenrtf or Nnkhvd as starch.
Primitive methods that were used in artistic expression

Here are some primitive roads that were used in artistic expression:

Way or playback mode Crawhol

They put the person in front of him and the Models drew Kalmata

Alhfeza his way and his way Whistler
This is that the student is studying full detailed model, even if he can understand the elements laid down
Display Mode and concealment
We know that one of the first used the method is the painter (SMT), which display a form is displayed on the people a brief moment of time, even if you achieve optimal resource Tfanmoha well concealed and asked them drawn.

Drawing tools:

1-paper and types (Art) polished used to draw
2-pencils: all kinds of them b <h <hb or numbers 1,2,3
3-brushes used to draw a Chinese ink and watercolor and oily
4-fingered wax: a tough-eluting and Balamkankhtha of good paper, by scraping part of the drawing for a special effect to draw
Making things:
A senior artists say: If you want to get properly draw a little bit and see a lot Draw
The easiest way to draw things is to start planning the overall shape.

definition of graffiti

Graffiti is the graphics or characters are drawn in a place visible such as walls and bridges. It is believed that the practice of graffiti existed since ancient times, the days of the ancient Egyptian civilization and Greek, Romanian, and the evolution of graffiti over time and today called Paljravia talk and he knows the general changes to the features of the surface through the use of spray paint or marker or any other material, has voluntarily graffiti now to be used in the decoration process the outside of houses, and also become closer to the truth because of the fees the 3D graphics which gives you the feeling that you actually see real views

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